Wednesday, March 23, 2011

HOWTO: Nokia BH-505 Bluetooth A2DP Setup for Ubuntu

For Ubuntu 10.04LTS

  1. sudo vi /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf

  2. Un-comment:

  3. Comment out:

  4. sudo vi ~/.asoundrc

  5. Type:
    pcm.btheadset {
    type bluetooth
    device 00:00:00:00:00:00
    profile “auto”
    Save and close.

  6. Replace 00:00:00:00:00:00 with the mac-id of your BH-505 (How do I find that out? Read Further.)

Figuring out the MAC ID of Your BH-505

  1. If already paired:
    hcitool con

  2. If un-paired
    hcitool scan


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dear, I was struggling connecting my BH-505 with Ubuntu 12.04 and thinking that I wasted money on this.

Now I can use this lovely headphone, thanks a ton.

BTW, I installed Sony's NFC Easy Scan android app on on my phone Sony XPERIA Mini, it connects it immediately but works only when the phone is in close proximity i.e. with two feet max.

Unknown said...

After doing that, still my 10.04 LTS not recognizing. How to restart?