Sunday, August 07, 2005

Molecular Logic: Biological Time Keeping

Going to give a seminar in the coming fortnight. We were given the freedom of choosing our topic. This topic hunt was something that I enjoyed.

I was reading a book 'Fly' - in which drosophila has been glorified as 'the' tool of molecular biology research. I stumbled upon a chapter on circadian clocks and got hooked. Drosophila apparently is the ideal model to study molecuar logic of circadian clocks.

The clock basically consists of three modules - the light input component, the oscillator and the output component. I am especially fascinated by biological light sensors, the first component. The idea that a clock can be implemented using transcriptional feed-back loops is really interesting, the second component. The role of the clock in organismal behaviour, the third component, immediately implies that this clock is not just another clock but an important control in organismal behaviour.

It seems that even a single aspect of this little insect, its clock, has a lot to offer. I should'nt have any problem gathering material for my upcoming 1 hr. speech.

Following is one of the interesting links I found on the web:

P.S.: The flash on this site is very helpful. As someone important has said "If a picture is worth a 1000 words what do you say about a moving picture !"

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