I had blast!
Finally delivered the seminar today. Things went pretty smoothly.
I used the LCD projector for the first time. I loved every aspect of it. I did all the connections, wiring, setup...typical geekstuff.
There was no technical snag. But my own laser-pointer defied me :(
The words flowed out magically. I managed to convey atleast 50% of what I was saying. Partly becuse the 2nd half was kinda drab...perhaps too geeky for the un-enchanted-by-how-things-work.
I particularly liked my end-note:
"Our civilization has always been struggling to build tools which help us to measure time. First came the sand-clock, then the pendulum based ones and recently we have these hi-tech atomic clocks. But, ironically we all - the biologicals have had, right from the beginning an internal biological clock which keeps time faithfully. And now this clock [pause] this process has become aware of itself !"